The First Post
/The point, anyway.
It is the coldest day of December yet and I leave for India in exactly two weeks. I’m told it will not be hot in Udaipur this time of year, but I know it won’t be this damn freezing. I guess I should start with some sort of explanation or declaration. I’ve been very hesitant to start a real blog. I don’t just want to vomit words onto an endless screen (well actually, I secretly do, but I’ve restrained myself). One day, while procrastinating, I started a blog called Smatterings & Tidbits and, as proud as I felt about the quirky name … I never smattered or tibitted a thing. I realize that if I’m going to really start a blog, I need to write about something specific–or specific-ish. I need a focal point to pull my thoughts together.
That focal point will be my imminent trip to India–the center of all my scattered thoughts! This blog will serve as a travel journal, a field note book for me to write up fieldnotes, a place to post up pictures, videos, stories, and insights, for me to ponder pedagogy and philosophy, to raise questions about educational institutions, to frame my senior thesis, to open up and express myself, and to check in with friends and family. That’s what this blog will be about.